Head of Transformation
Melbourne, Australia
Aug 2024 – Present
David Jones has a vision to provide world-class experiences for our customers, both instore and online, and our Transformation program spans the full breadth and depth of the organisation to make this vision a reality. Working with cross functional stakeholders right across the business on a range of complex and highly interdependent programs of work, we are utilising proven as well as innovative ways of working to move at pace whilst ensuring we remain aligned, coordinated, and focussed on delivering the best possible customer experience
Melbourne, Australia
Jan 2019 - Jul 2024
Retail; $40bn+ National Retailer
Engagement Manager: Strategy Refresh for Group Technology function. Supported GM to develop a new strategic vision, objectives, and value proposition. Oversaw development of strategic materials, facilitated workshops and engagement, managed project team, supported socialisation of strategy with ELT
Engagement Manager: New functional strategy, key BU. Supported GM level sponsor and delegates to form ground-up strategy for ~$500m revenue generating operation. Facilitated development of strategic objectives, underpinning capabilities and management practices
Engagement Manager: Supply Chain Technology Transformation. Supported ELT/GM level program sponsors through a $35m+ major strategic investment program transforming underpinning systems and technology. Led evaluation of as-is and to-be capabilities, architecture and requirements, Ran global RFP process, led businesses case to ELT approval
Not-for-Profit; Led the development of strategic review for a major religious organisation’s operations functions, including building a suite of operational and financial planning tools for embedding within the annual planning cycle and reviewing BAU effectiveness across 17 individual operational units
Regional Public Health Provider. Supported the CEO and Executive Leadership initiate a whole of organisation performance and improvement review with the aim of identifying and developing prioritised action plans to realise $25m of annualised savings within three years. Developed documentation and analysis frameworks for evaluation and a bespoke project management framework for implementation
Strategy Consultant
Melbourne, Australia
Aug 2017 – Dec 2018
Integrity Services within Professional Sports. Worked with a state professional sporting authority to conduct a comprehensive review of integrity services with a view to improving operational efficiency and effectiveness. Roles in this project included leading numerous consultations with key internal and external stakeholder groups, developing report materials in close collaboration with the client’s C-Suite, and leading the delivery of critical implementation roadmaps for immediate and ongoing impact.
Higher Education. SPP is a recognised thought leader within higher education having guided Universities across Australia in optimising their strategic positioning for emerging growth opportunities. Projects have included wide-ranging strategy and implementation programmes to drive demand from domestic and international markets, and developing compelling and comprehensive strategic operational plans for Universities engaging in scale and scope expansion.
An architectural salvage and reclamation company
London, UK
Aug 2015 – June 2016
General Manager - Ran day to day operations managing 5 staff and reporting to directors
General Management and Business Development. I ran operations of this highly acclaimed salvage and reclamation firm with a staff of five direct reports. On taking over, the company had weaknesses on both supply and demand sides. Retrouvius enjoyed strong brand loyalty, but lacked broad brand awareness in target markets, and whilst operations were functional, they lacked efficiency and effectiveness. Through careful targeting and positioning I was able to drive demand from consumers in new addressable segments (including international markets in the EU), develop a referral network from existing customers, and draw a greater portion of spend from long-term brand advocates. These sales and marketing initiatives prioritised lead generation, enabling the entire team to work together in focussed and informed way. To improve efficiency, I introduced a range of measures including a restructured inventory management system, reducing carrying costs by 20%, and an improved order and delivery tracking process which reduced both our internal and contracted labour costs.
Baritone working across the UK and Europe
London, UK
June 2009 – July 2015
Baritone. Sang with major UK and European companies, including English Touring Opera. Performance highlights include; Garsington Festival, 2010 - 2015, Vault Opera 2014, Stowe Opera 2014, Buxton Festival 2013-2014. As a freelance singer I operated as a sole trader and entrepreneur, responsible for all networking, financial planning, administration, and marketing within an intensely competitive market. This career has afforded me exceptional presentation skills, an ability to connect and perform to audiences, sell myself and the productions I represented, and as an artist, draw out the conceptual understanding of text and language to communicate complicated emotions and messages in direct, insightful, and informative ways.
Independent operatic and musical production company
London, UK
Aug 2008 – present
Founder and Artistic Director
Start-up and Development. Launched Songsmiths as an independent operatic production company to provide opportunities for young singers in making their professional debuts. Developed leadership and presentation skills, gained experience of financial planning and fund raising, oversaw annual expansion in revenues of 20-25%.
Closer than Ever. Produced a run of ‘Closer than Ever’, at the Jermyn Street Theatre in London in 2014. Organised all aspects of production from concept to performances. Managed creative and administrative aspects of the production, meeting and exceeding the financial targets whilst receiving critical acclaim.
Management consultancy specialising in healthcare
London, UK
Sep 2007 – Sep 2008
Consultant working with private and public healthcare providers throughout the UK
Developed a research and survey method identifying existing provision of primary care services proposed as part of new Polyclinics. Modelled costs, capabilities, and feasibility of potential clinics. Presented findings and recommendations to stakeholders, advised GP consortia, private healthcare companies, and NHS as to potential outcomes. Enabled investment decisions to be taken with greater knowledge and perspective.
with an international private healthcare and insurance provider to widen out-of-hours service capabilities within South London. Based on existing and historical service provision within these areas, we were able to model financial and qualitative outcomes of various investment and acquisition options. On the basis of our work, they launched a successful project and widened their customer and professional community.
Official body governing of football throughout England
London, UK
Sep 2013 – Present
Level 5 Professional Referee
Leadership. Trained as a professional referee with the London FA. Refereed throughout the county, rising from level 9 to level 5 over 3 years. Developed excellent people management and leadership skills, directing both teams and officials on the field of play. Gained experience of making quick and critical decisions under significant mental and physical stress.
Master of Business Administration Aug 2016 – Aug 2017
MBS Scholarship
Academic Highlights:
Overall Academic Average - H2A
Strategy - H1
Marketing - H1
Global Business Economics - H1
Brand Management - H1
MA Operatic Performance Sept 2010 – June 2011
MA Performance Aug 2008 – Aug 2010
MA (Hons) Economic History Aug 2003 – Aug 2007
Visa British citizen, Australian De Facto Visa
Languages: Fluent in French and German, Intermediate Italian, Basic Russian, Beginner Mandarin
Interests: Travel, Flying (RPL License Holder)
Singing (Performing and Teaching)
Football Referee for London FA Level 5